August 2023 microscope status update
We performed another benchmarking on August 17 for the Titan Krios.
At magnification 130kx, we collected 717 exposures and extracted 209021 particles. Cryosparc gives a resolution of 1.93A. The pixel size is around 0.93A. We believe the Nyquist is reached.
At magnification 165kx, we collected 992 exposures and extracted 108962 particles. Cryosparc gives a resolution of 2.01A. The pixel size is around 0.74A. Since we have to select some squares in the thicker ice area, more tests will be done to test the performance at this magnification.
For Glacios, Thermofisher gave user training last week. We hope the trainees have a better understanding of the system. We are looking forward to seeing them in the center.