January 23, 2024 pendari1090

January 2024 Microscope Status Update

We performed a benchmarking on January 10 for the Titan Krios.

At magnification 130kx, we collected 954 exposures and used 690 with a 7A CTF filter. We used 288140/525273 particles and obtained a resolution of 1.89A. The pixel size is around 0.93A.

The Glacios benchmarking was done on January 22.

At magnification 120kx, we collected 753 exposures and used 520 with a 5A CTF filter. The ice condition was not ideal for the grid we used. 260192/41527 particles were used, and a resolution of 2.43A was obtained. The pixel size is around 1.19A. Glad to see the system is back to Nyquist.

The Aquilos installation is still in process.