Johns Hopkins – EM Facilities

These are other EM resources available at Johns Hopkins.

Integrated Imaging Center – Johns Hopkins – The IIC is an excellent EM and light microscopy facility on the Homewood campus. They have a Talos, a T12, a 410, a Vitrobot, and a large number of other EM support tools. Usage rates here.

Microscope Facility – Johns Hopkins – The Microscope Facility is an excellent EM and light microscopy resource on the medical campus. They have a CM120 that can be used for cryoEM screening. The also have a Denton DV-502A Vacuum Evaporator for making thin carbon, a Leica EM-ICE high pressure freezer, a Leica Cryostat CM 3050S for cryo-sectioning, and a number of other EM support tools. Usage rates here.

EM Resources

These are links to outside resources. They include e-mail lists, instrument operations manuals, technical courses, automation manuals, etc.

3DEM E-mail List – This list is for all 3D electron microscopy questions and discussion. Most people in the field and nearly all the major researchers are on this list.

SerialEM E-mail List – This list is for SerialEM user discussion and questions.

EM-University  – this is a resource from ThermoFisher that has everything you need to get going, including courses and detailed guides

SEMC Manuals and EM Resources – The SEMC is a national resource and has a lot of great documents and links from microscope manuals to online EM courses to software manuals.

NRAMM – NRAMM workshops and courses archive. NRAMM is associated with NYSBC and this links to lots of talks, etc. from leaders in the field on important EM topics.

MRC EM Course series – From the organizers, “With the recent advances in cryo-EM structure determination, we find that an ever increasing number of people want to learn about it. To aid those new to the field, together with Lori Passmore and Paula daFonseca, we organized a course at LMB that covers the theoretical basis of modern cryo-EM structure determination. The slides and professionally edited videos of all ten lectures in this course may be downloaded for free from the above link.”

MRC Course series home – The homepage for various structure and statistics course series from the MRC and legendary leaders in the field.

NYSBC – Leginon Manual – The Leginon manual. This is where you will find answers to your questions on how to do alignments, setup a data collection run, etc.

NYSBC – Appion Manual – The Appion Manual. This is where you will find answers to your questions about what the heck Appion is and how do I view / process my data.