Author page: Dazhong Ding

September 2023 microscope status update

We performed a benchmarking on September 14 for the Titan Krios. At magnification 165kx, we collected 1133 exposures and used 856 with a 5A CTF filter. We used 209094/348665 particles and obtained a resolution of 1.76A. The pixel size is around 0.74A. The Glacios benchmarking was done on September 28. At magnification 120kx, we collected 983 exposures and used 296…

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August 2023 microscope status update

We performed another benchmarking on August 17 for the Titan Krios. At magnification 130kx, we collected 717 exposures and extracted 209021 particles. Cryosparc gives a resolution of 1.93A. The pixel size is around 0.93A. We believe the Nyquist is reached. At magnification 165kx, we collected 992 exposures and extracted 108962 particles. Cryosparc gives a resolution of 2.01A. The pixel size…

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Glacios firmware upgrade completed

Glacios firmware was upgraded on Aug 4. The test was performed on Aug 8. EPU 3.5 has a different interface with image shift calibration, whose tutorial can be found in the same tab next to the start calibration. Athena service is back online, 250 exposures were collected and uploaded without problem. SmartEPU is operational, too. Camera error and blanking during…

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July 2023 microscope status update

Titan reached 1.47A resolution with apoferritin on June benchmarking and is running smoothly now. July’s benchmarking is 1.53A. Glacios is running well for screening. A software upgrade and benchmarking are expected in the next few weeks. For Aquilos installation, ETS fixed the DC magnetic field problem. Waiting for the next pre-install survey.

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New Staff

The Beckman Center is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Dazhong (David) Ding as the Cryo-ET specialist. David graduated from Penn State University with a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering in December 2022. He will help with the operation and maintenance of the facility with his experience in microscopy and FIB. The facility committee and users of the…

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