July 2024 Microscope Status Update

A benchmarking was performed at the magnification of 130kx on July 17 for the Titan Krios. 1025 exposures with a 5A CTF filter and 442,621 particles were used for processing.... Read More

June 2024 Microscope Status Update

A benchmarking was performed at the magnification of 130kx on Jun 25 for the Titan Krios. 1060 exposures with a 5A CTF filter and 482,111 particles were used for processing.... Read More

May 2024 Microscope Status Update:

A benchmarking was performed at magnification 130kx on May 30 for the Titan Krios. 614 exposures with a 5A CTF filter and 160,880 particles were used for processing. A resolution... Read More

April 2024 Microscope Status Update:

A benchmarking was performed at a magnification 215kx on April 15 for the Titan Krios. 2293 exposures with a 6A CTF filter and 329002/346312 particles were used for processing. A... Read More

March 2024 Microscope Status Update

We performed a benchmarking on March 29 for the Titan Krios. At magnification 130kx, we collected 755 exposures and used 711 with a 5A CTF filter. We used 329002/346312 particles... Read More

February 2024 Microscope Status Update

Titan is back online with a repaired energy filter. Resolution at 130kx is 1.89A with 200k particles. 215kx is 1.64A with 120k particles. Glacios is working well. Resolution at 120kx... Read More

January 2024 Microscope Status Update

We performed a benchmarking on January 10 for the Titan Krios. At magnification 130kx, we collected 954 exposures and used 690 with a 7A CTF filter. We used 288140/525273 particles... Read More

December 2023 Microscope Status Update

We performed a benchmarking on November 19 for the Titan Krios. At magnification 130kx, we collected 852 exposures and used 409 with a 4A CTF filter. We used 108190/200249 particles... Read More

October 2023 Microscope Status Update

We performed a benchmarking on October 17 for the Titan Krios. At magnification 130kx, we collected 1493 exposures and used 965 with a 4A CTF filter. We used 444668/533716 particles... Read More

New Staff!

We are excited to announce the appointment of Dr. Kai Cai as the Cryo-EM Specialist at the Beckman Center in October 2023. Kai worked with SPA and tomography at the... Read More

September 2023 microscope status update

We performed a benchmarking on September 14 for the Titan Krios. At magnification 165kx, we collected 1133 exposures and used 856 with a 5A CTF filter. We used 209094/348665 particles... Read More

August 2023 microscope status update

We performed another benchmarking on August 17 for the Titan Krios. At magnification 130kx, we collected 717 exposures and extracted 209021 particles. Cryosparc gives a resolution of 1.93A. The pixel... Read More

Glacios firmware upgrade completed

Glacios firmware was upgraded on Aug 4. The test was performed on Aug 8. EPU 3.5 has a different interface with image shift calibration, whose tutorial can be found in... Read More

July 2023 microscope status update

Titan reached 1.47A resolution with apoferritin on June benchmarking and is running smoothly now. July’s benchmarking is 1.53A. Glacios is running well for screening. A software upgrade and benchmarking are... Read More

New Staff

The Beckman Center is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Dazhong (David) Ding as the Cryo-ET specialist. David graduated from Penn State University with a Ph.D. in Materials Science... Read More

Major Renovations Complete & Both Scopes Up!

The major renovations for the facility are done and both scopes are up and running.  Minor touch-ups will continue.  Both the Titan and Glacios are up and running. I will... Read More

Krios benchmarked to 1.6 Å with apoferritin!

We are currently benchmarking the Krios and developing SOPs. Our initial benchmark is with Apoferritin to 1.64 Å! We expect the Krios to be open to users shortly.  ... Read More

Glacios down for Falcon 4i installation!
Glacios available for screening with ceta!
Falcon 4, Selectris, and Fringe Free Imaging Installed on the Krios!
Renovation Update

Renovations for the Glacios have started in the EM center! In the meantime, the Krios will be down. We expect this round of downtime to last until the beginning of... Read More

Delayed Renovations Notice

The renovations in G36 have been delayed until Thursday due to contractor staffing issues.  If you would like to use the Titan it is available until then.... Read More

We are hiring!

We have two openings for staff positions in the EM center! We are hiring a cryo-EM specialist and a cryo-EM computational specialist. Please see the links below for more information... Read More

New grant from the Beckman Foundation for FIB-SEM!

Thanks to the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation for once again supporting our cryo-EM center. Through this new grant, we will be bringing an Aquilos II to the center. This... Read More

New Glacios microscope from HHMI!

Thanks to our colleagues at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, we are adding a Glacios 200 kV screening microscope to our facility! The Gatan K3 camera from the Krios will... Read More

Selectris energy filter and Falcon IV camera have arrived!

We are upgrading the Krios with a Selectris energy filter and Falcon IV camera. Coupled with the phase plate and fringe-free imaging, we are very excited to collect new high... Read More

Titan Operations Update

The Titan will be down for maintenance and testing Nov. 29th through Dec. 1st. Please also note that renovations and instrument installation is planned for Jan. 15th through April/May.... Read More

The Titan is down.

The Titan is down with another autoloader error. No response from service yet.... Read More

The Titan is open for use.

The autoloader has been fixed and the Titan is open for use.... Read More

Autoloader problem now and the system is down.

There is an autoloader problem now and the system is down.... Read More

The Facility Director will be unavailable from July 19-July 26

Duncan Sousa will be away the weeks of July 19th and July 26st. The Titan will be available for trained users or if you have a trained user assist you. ... Read More

Tweezers missing from Vitrobot

The 2nd pair of new cryo-EM tweezers for the Vitrobot is missing.  If you find them or have borrowed them please return them immediately.  These tweezers should not be removed... Read More

The Titan Krios is back up and running! Schedule your time.

All signups for both the Titan Krios and Vitrobot should be done using iLab. If you are a new user in need of training or a user in need of... Read More

Next User Group meeting is Friday, August 6th @ 9am

Dear EM Users,   The next user group meeting will be Friday (08/06) and NOT 07/30.  It is still @ 9a in Zoom (UNLESS I get at least 6 people... Read More

Next User Group Meeting this Friday, June 25th @ 9am

The next user group meeting will be this Friday (06/25) @ 9am in Zoom.  Bring your data / projects to discuss.  You will be able to share your screen if... Read More

EasiGlow out for repair

The EasiGlow is out for repair and we hope to have it back next week.  We’re looking into getting another system as well.... Read More

Sample preparation Mini-Workshop! 07-01-2019 (Monday ~10a-5p)

The first sample preparation mini-workshop will be on 07-01-2019 (Monday ~10a-5p) Topic(s):– Negative staining– Cryo grid preparation This mini-workshop will cover how to make negative stain grids for those without... Read More

User Meeting @ 9a Fri (06/28) – PCTB 708

The June EM user meeting is this Friday @ 9 am (05/28) in PCTB 708. Current Topic(s):– User projects– Facility updates– bi-monthly EM workshops date discussion Sample Preparation Mini-Workshop:– Cryo... Read More

User Meeting @ 9a Fri (05/31) – PCTB 708

The May EM user meeting is this Friday @ 9 am (05/31) in PCTB 708. Current Topic(s):– User projects:– Facility updates:– bi-monthly EM workshops date discussion... Read More

User Meeting @ 9a Fri (04/26) – PCTB 708

The April EM user meeting is this Friday @ 9 am (04/26) in PCTB 708. Current Topic(s): – User projects – Facility updates – bi-monthly EM workshops (from sample prep.... Read More

User Meeting @ 9a Fri (03/29) – PCTB 708

The March EM user meeting is this Friday @ 9 am (03/29) in PCTB 708. Current Topic(s): – User projects – Facility updates – Gain References... Read More

Michigan CryoEM Workshop

CryoEM Workshop in Michigan... Read More

User Meeting @ 9a Fri (02/22) – PCTB 708

The February EM user meeting is this Friday @ 9 am (02/22) in PCTB 708. Current Topic(s): – User projects – Facility updates... Read More

User Meeting @ 9a Fri (01/25) – PCTB 708

The January EM user meeting is this Friday @ 9 am (01/25) in PCTB 708. Current Topic(s):– Local refinement– Processing options – User projects... Read More

User Meeting @ 9a Fri (11/30) – WBSB 701

The November EM user meeting is this Friday @ 9 am (11/30) in WBSB 701. Current Topic(s): – Cryo grid preparation – Vitrobot operation... Read More

Titan Installation Update…

The Titan installation is progressing smoothly. Unfortunately, there a other installations nearby that are taking up a lot of the engineers’ time. Currently, the enclosure is being built.... Read More

Titan Delivered!

The Titan has arrived and much of it has been uncrated! The work was completed (mostly) yesterday. The installation has begun and will continue next week. There is also crating... Read More

The Titan has Arrived!

… at least the 1st shipment of crates for the Titan has arrived. Installation to begin as soon as the delivery is complete (probably tomorrow).... Read More

Titan Delivery Scheduled for Nov. 1st & 2nd

We are in the final process of confirming that the Titan will be delivered Nov. 1st & 2nd (Thr. & Fri.). Baring further unforeseeable problems, installation can finally begin! If... Read More

User Meeting Changed to @10a Wed (10/31)

The October EM user meeting has been changed to @10a Wed (10/31) in 701 WBSB. Current Topic(s): – User data collection discussions... Read More

User Meeting @9a Fri (9/28)

The September EM user meeting is this Friday @ 9 am (9/28) in 708 PCTB. Current Topic(s): – Sample preparation and ways to help with protein aggregation, particle concentration, etc.... Read More

Facility Renovations Almost Finished

The facility renovations are almost complete.  As you can see below, the floor has been finished, the ceiling tiles, installed, etc.  We’re still waiting to hear from Toshiba on how... Read More

Facility room nearing completion

Design and construction staff, facility staff and Thermo Fisher engineers did a walk through inspection of G36 today. The room is nearly complete with only the water chiller left to... Read More

Facility Network attached to HoRNet…

Great News!! The final approvals for attaching the Titan facility to HoRNet have gone through. The Titan in Rangos G36 will now have 10+GB network speeds both to MARCC, WBSB,... Read More